Rejuvenation | Treat Dry Nails

Rejuvenation | Treat Dry Nails

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Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $24.95. $14.97

Base Coat For Dry Nails

Increases moisture and alleviates dryness.

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SKU: UPT-121 Category: Tag:

Is This for Me?

Are my nails dry, dull and lifeless? Are they peeling, splitting at the edges? Do they have pronounced ridges and/or dry white patches? If you answered yes to any of these then Rejuvenation Base Coat would be for you.


Increases moisture levels in the nail and alleviates dryness.  Also heals the nail plate thereby conditioning and strengthening the nail while giving natural flexibility.  Replenishes protein levels needed to reinforce the bond between the layers of the nail.

How to Use

Apply two (2) coats of Rejuvenation treatment base coat to a clean, dry nail making sure you cap the end of the nails.
Optional: Colour can be applied with this treatment if desired.

Key Ingredients

Jojoba, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E

Experts Tips

The aim of this treatment is to keep the base coat on the nails for at least (7 days) THEN REMOVE AND START THE WHOLE PROCEDURE AGAIN, this treatment should take approximately 6-8 weeks. Once you have reached the desired effect switch to Reward Base Coat to maintain healthy nails.


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