Bend Don’t Break | All-Rounder Treatment

Bend Don’t Break | All-Rounder Treatment

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All Rounder Base Coat

15ml – Dry, weak, brittle, lifeless & damaged nails.

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SKU: UPT-149 Categories: , Tag:

Bend Don’t Break is an advanced base coat nail strengthener that has been designed to maximise flexibility and minimise breakage. Suitable to use on any nails that are prone to break easily.

You too can achieve flexible nails and protect them from the rigours of daily life. Bend Don’t Break is an enriched formula that is free from formaldehyde and will ensure your nails are fully equipped to bounce back and NOT break! By using Citral and Hydrolysed Wheat Protein, we can assure you that this nail hardener lives up to its name, protecting your nails from breakages while enhancing flexibility.

Our product will hold strong when applied, is super easy to put on and does not have a strong odor either. Bend Don’t Break is quick to dry and allows you to move onto polish application with no fuss.

Is Bend Don’t Break Nail Strengthener For Me?

My nails have one of several problems. Whether dry, weak, lifeless or damaged and with little or no nail growth. I always look to use a treatment base coat that has no harsh chemicals and if it’s vegan friendly, well that’s an added bonus. If you answered yes to experiencing any of these symptoms, then Bend Don’t Break nail strengthener is for you!

A state-of-the-art nail strengthening base coat treatment that hardens nails on the outside while making them flexible on the inside. Let your  nails bend more and break less.

Experts Tip for Using Our Nail Strengthener

If you are using Bend Don’t Break alone as a treatment: Generously apply (2) coats to clean, bare nails while capping the ends as this will seal the free edges and further protect your nails.

When used with JESSICA Custom Nail Colour:
Generously apply (1) coat to clean, bare nails while sealing the free edges.
Apply two coats of Custom Nail Colour.
Apply one coat Brilliance for your top coat.
Apply one drop of Quick Dry 60 Second Drying to each nail.

BEND DON’T BREAK is a nail treatment but can also be used as a maintenance base coat. We highly recommend the use of a base coat whether wearing polish or not to avoid peeling, splitting and dry nails.

Key Ingredients

Citral (component of lemongrass oil, verbena, lemon myrtle, lemon and orange) | Hydrolysed Wheat Protein

Find out more about Jessica Cosmetics on their website.


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